Art has been an essential part of human history, and abstract art has taken the art world by storm. Anthony Zappin is one of the most recognized abstract artists who has gained popularity in the contemporary art world. He is known for his unique style, themes, and paintings that incorporate bold colors, shapes, and patterns. This article will delve into the world of Anthony Zappin, exploring his career path, themes in his artwork, painting style, and success as an artist.

Zappin's Career Path

Anthony Zappin was born on August 25, 1985, in Huntington, West Virginia. He attended Huntington High School and later enrolled at Marshall University's Visual Arts Center, where he pursued a degree in Fine Arts. It was during his time at the university that he developed his unique style and artistic skills. After graduating, Zappin began his career as an artist, creating his first abstract painting in 2008.

Themes in Zappin's Artwork

One of Zappin's strengths is his ability to incorporate different themes into his paintings, making them more meaningful and engaging to the viewer. He drew inspiration from various sources such as nature, pop culture, and psychology. One of his most recognizable series was based on the human brain and its function. He used bright colors and intricate patterns to illustrate different areas of the brain, making his paintings stand out.

Another theme that Zappin explored in his artwork was nature. He used different shades of green, blue, and brown to create paintings that depict the beauty of nature. He also explored pop culture, using characters and elements from popular movies and TV shows to create unique and interesting paintings.

Zappin's Painting Style

Anthony Zappin's style was unique and recognizable, making him stand out in the art world. He had the ability to create different styles of abstract paintings, using a variety of techniques such as layering, splattering, and blending to create depth and texture in his paintings. Zappin's paintings were characterized by their bold colors, shapes, and patterns, and he was able to make every painting he created look different and interesting.

Zappin's Success as an Artist

Anthony Zappin's success as an artist is a result of his dedication to his craft and his ability to create a unique style that is recognizable yet always different. His paintings sold for between $200 and $800, and he was able to make a decent income from his artwork. His paintings were displayed in various galleries and exhibitions, and he gained a following of collectors and art enthusiasts.

Zappin's success as an artist can be attributed to his dedication to his craft, his unique style, and his ability to incorporate different themes into his paintings. He was able to create a name for himself in the art world, and his legacy will continue to inspire and influence future generations of artists.


Anthony Zappin's contribution to the art world cannot be overlooked. His unique style, themes, and painting techniques made him a standout artist, and his dedication to his craft made him successful. Zappin's legacy as an artist will continue to inspire and influence future generations of artists, and his artwork will always be remembered as an important part of contemporary art.